It's time for a few small repairs, she said...

It's late.
I should be in bed but the call of my blog
 was strong.
Which is weird because I don't feel very moved to write.
I think this fall-like weather has broken my brain, but in a good way.
It's chilly in here and I like it.
The trees are tinged in red and I just can't think of anything except
  the fireworks that are to follow.
It has been busy 'round these parts, with lots of hubbub bubbing about.
Jewish holidays, the first full week of school, PJ starting a new sport,
  and Pete moving back home.
That last bit of news is a little more precarious bearing in mind that
  I let Pete choose a movie for us to watch tonight and he chose Movie 43.
We may need more therapy then I thought.
All jokes aside, it all is very precarious.
It's all a bit of walking on eggshells as we try to cast our
  very fractured marriage.
It's a bit like a first date, if you beat each other up before you left for dinner.
Hard to know how to react, when to react, how to feel and when to feel it.
Our version seems to be a combination of kindness, tension, and a few off-color jokes,
   while we love on PJ as hard as we can to make up for the giant fuck-ups we are as parents.
There will be stories to tell and things to learn and stuff to repair.
A bunch of firsts while we try to fix all of our lasts.
It's all still very precarious,
 but it's a new chapter.

Bring it on.

{a few pictures from our weekend...}

Best. Picture. Ever. 

PJ's new best friend is Gordie. Gordie usually hates other humans. 

PJ at his first practice with the Storm Twisters! More on this to come!! 

There's a place on the way home from Marla's that never fails for gorgeous pictures. Exhibit A. 


SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

Wishing you guys the best as you put it back together. Be kind to yourselves.

Tammy said...

Thinking of you and hoping this transition runs smoothly. Love you Brie!

Gwen said...

Perfect title. Keeping my fingers crossed for all of you!