I end each day the way I start out...

This all feels a little bit like over-sharing.
I think back to when PJ was first diagnosed with Autism and I kept it all in
And after a while, found myself in a pretty dark place.
I don't exactly want to discuss my separation over coffee but here,
In the safe, relative anonymity of my blog,
I can try to find some sort of safety net that will allow me to
Drop some of these thoughts out of my head
(And do so in my typical dramatic, free-verse poetry, annoying-hipster-anstgy style).
We are doing our best to remain cordial and calm
And make sure PJ feels happy, safe, and secure.
I'm sure we'll mess it up.
But anyway. Back to the over-sharing.
I know I don't plan on sharing everysingledetail.
It's not just my story to tell, and our marriage does need a little protection.
This is more of an outlet to help me find some clarity,
Some calm,
Some support
As I try to navigate these very muddy waters.
I have already received messages from friends
Whom I have never even met in real life
Letting me hold their virtual hands and telling me that
They are rooting for my little family.
So am I, sisters.


SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I am positive you will feel such an array of emotions that your head will spin. Having an outlet is good. Whatever you need to do to work through your feelings and gain clarity, do it.

I don't like hipsters, but I like angsty hipster writing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping it real! I wish you happiness and peace, things always work out in the end even when it seems like the road is difficult.