"Inside this ancient heart, you'll always be a part of me..."

So, it's not easy, this parenting thing!

Pete and I seem to pass each other in a somnambulatory haze- we drift around the house, me taking care of PJ while Pete runs the errands I can't until I get the all-clear to drive (just two more days!). We stop to plant kisses on PJ, each other, and in the name of straightening up, move piles of stuff from one end of the apartment to the other!

We laid in bed last night with PJ between us (just snuggling- he sleeps in his crib! I would be a terrible co-sleeping parent, poor PJ would end up out the window by accident!), kicking his skinny little legs and blinking up at us with his sweet, wide owl eyes. If either Pete or myself felt tired, it was certainly the last thing we were thinking of, as we looked at our son and marveled at what we created.

So, we're a little tired. It's a mess in our apartment. I have a UTI (which may be TMI, but still true!).

But I also have a son, a son who was nestled in my arms, smelling sweet from his bath and looking up at me with his trusting eyes. He grew inside my body, and now my body continues to help him grow. He makes faces that look just like the ones his Dad makes when he stretches. Pete and I are hopelessly, completely, head-over-heels in love with this Boy, and life has never been sweeter!

1 comment

Shelly said...

enjoy every precious minute!